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My Comprehensive Planner

Aug 8, 2018

In this episode Jonathan continues his discussion of The Master Plan, located at He explains one of the critical fallacies associated with taxes and why shifting your mindset to the future can lighten your tax bill when tomorrow becomes today.

Aug 6, 2018

In this episode Jonathan discusses three examples of investments that mainstream investors use in their portfolio to invest for the future. He explains the critical reasons for understanding the underlying risks of an individual security and then why it is important to understand how different securities interact...

Aug 3, 2018

In this episode Jonathan explores the question "How much risk should I take in my portfolio when pursuing my long term goals?" He explains the difference between straight line savings and how adding risk can reduce the required monthly amount to reach a target goal.

Aug 1, 2018

In this episode Jonathan talks about the impact of not having insurance and why it could be viewed as a necessary evil...

If you were 8x more likely to become disabled, would you max out on your disability insurance? To often we don't want insurance until we need it, and then are no longer insurable... it's time to stop...